Wednesday, December 30, 2009

I'm back from Korea ! Got home around 10.30pm last night and started unpacking my stuffs.
That was why I couldn't blog straight after ):
But still, my twitter is alive right?! ( Though I rant there most of the time, HAHAHA! )

Decided not to blog about Phyllis's birthday first because i want ALL the photos from her first !
So PHYLLIS ONG, when you read this, please send me photos okayyyyyyyyy?! HAHA !
Not all are uploaded onto your facebook ! LOL !

So will start blogging about the day on 21st December, and its Phyllis's actual birthday ! :D
You're finally SIXTEEN, girl !
2 more years, and you'll be legal ! HAHAHA ! I'll be waiting for that day.

On the 21st, met up with Shimin at Marina Square..
Dined in Lerk Thai for dinner.

Crackers with the Chilli Sauce!

Tom Yam Soup! Love it !

Green Curry, the HAIR CURRY SOUP( Read below & you'll understand )

Fried Tofu with Shrimps!

Pineapple Rice.

The food was good. But when we were eating halfway, Shimin spotted hair inside her green curry ! And without fail, she complained. And i swear, the guy's really...
I don't really know what was happening as I was on the line, but saw Shimin & the guy arguing. She got pissed off and we went off.

Had my lollipop after dinner ! Like a kid -.-

And i was trying to do the " DOU JI YAN " ! I can't do it without having the lollipop as a gauge. I know i look damn stupid here. HAHAHAHA !

Headed to Pink Parlour at 8pm to have our Brazilian Waxing !

Look at the customer beside me ( I know you can't see, HE's being blocked by the GIANT ME! ). It's a GUY doing, MANICUREEE. I know, its kinda common now.. But still.. HAHAA!
Cooooooool la.
We got back early that day as I got to be home to pack my luggage as I'll be flying the next day!

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