Saturday, September 04, 2010

Lunch at Kiseki

It was lunch at Kiseki after casting, sometime back!! ( That explains my bright hair colour )
The food there was really good, especially the crabbbbb !! Missing it already! (:

Was extremely tired + hungry! Totally restless that I could eat with my eyes closed in the restaurant! THAT BAD! Hahaha.
After lunch was StepUp 3. Totally wasted my 6 bucks away because I slept throughout till the ending! Not because the movie was bad, but because I was really lethargic.
At least, I watched abit of the ending and it was really good! Going to catch it again! HAHA!!
Sometime next week!

As for now, I'm going off to pack my stuffs.
I'll be opening a flea market next week, 10th and 11th September at HomeClub!
Will be giving more details again !

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